


您也许正在或已经计划了您的退休准备…………那令人向往的 7 天周末……..

但是已退休或即将退休的您 需要考虑一件非常重要的事情,那就是您选择退休和享受黄金岁月的所在地 。


第 一:

提供理想生活素质 却合理消费的地方


在2021 年全球退休指数的医疗保健类别中 (2021 Global Retirement Index by International Living Annual Global Retirement Index),马来西亚在全球最佳医疗保健类别中排名第四。


在砂拉越,政府与私人医院以实惠的价格提供一流的医疗保健服务。在砂拉越,我们拥有许多私立和公立医院和医疗中心,主要的有 KPJ Healthcare (*)、婆罗洲医疗中心、Timberland 医疗中心、砂拉越综合医院和砂拉越心脏中心。

(*) 根据医院排名网络 排名, KPJ Healthcare 在东南亚排名第18.


砂拉越实惠的生活开销和高品质的生活吸引了许多外国人留在这里退休. 砂拉越 提供诱人的砂拉越-马来西亚我的第二故乡 (S-MM2H) 长期居留签证 于符合资格的申请者。申请者可购得 市中心的居所产业,价格由马币60万起。



城市市区一居室公寓(月租)中档餐厅 2 人午餐
砂拉越,马来西亚304.00 美元13.80 美元
吉隆坡, 马来西亚461.08 美元18.52 美元
纽约, 美国3,279.87 美元100 美元
旧金山, 美国2,443.10 美元85 U 美元


古晋 的主要购物商场



砂拉越约占马来西亚整个土地面积的 40%,其中砂拉越 65% 的土地是保存完好的林地。砂拉越政府通过减少二氧化碳的排放、种植更多的树木、维护森林和保护海岸,为对抗全球暖化做出了巨大努力。



砂拉越的首府~古晋市 让您与家人享受 城市生活的便利,同时也提供亲近大自然的兴奋与喜悦!

古晋近郊 海滩,国家公园。全年无休的阳光和海滩。
古晋近郊的国家公园。与自然界紧密联系, 享受24/7 清鲜空气。



砂拉越是三大种族,即马来人、华人和印度人以及 30 个不同种族的家园。这里的人会说多种语言,最常用的语言是英语、中文和马来语。砂拉越的不同种族构成了独特的砂拉越文化,非常友好和包容。人们在这里共同庆祝不同宗教的节日。




有兴趣要在砂拉越退休,请接洽砂拉越政府的授权代理公司, Apple (MM2H) Sdn Bhd 办理 S-MM2H 签证吧!

微信: AppleMM2H

Whatsapp: wa.link/ysz06a

邮件: applemm2h@gmail.com

S-MM2H 常见问题

Why do we choose to retire to Sarawak, Malaysia?

Why do we choose to retire to Sarawak, Malaysia?

Retirement is definitely one of the significant milestones in life that mark the ending of one’s working life and the beginning of the next phase of the kickback lifestyle.

You may have planned for and executed plans to prepare for your retirement……… the longed-for seven-day weekends……..

However, there are factors that retirees and potential retirees need to take into consideration, the most important being the place to retire and to enjoy the golden years.

The dream destination to retire shall possess 3 important characteristics:

No. 1:

A place where anxiety over outliving savings and investments can be eliminated

Affordable High-Quality Healthcare

During the golden age, it is inevitable and more likely that we will need medical attention. Our concern is whether we will be able to pay for good quality healthcare when we need it.

Malaysia ranked 4th place in the World’s best healthcare in the healthcare category of the 2021 Global Retirement Index by International Living Annual Global Retirement Index.

Source: https://internationalliving.com/countries-best-healthcare-world

Malaysia offers top-class healthcare services at an affordable cost.

In Sarawak, we have many major private and public hospitals and healthcare centres namely, KPJ Healthcare (*), Borneo Medical Centre, Timberland Medical Centre, Sarawak General Hospital and Sarawak Heart Centre.

(*) KPJ Healthcare ranked no. 18 in South East Asia based on the ranking web of hospitals.

High quality of life at a low cost of living

Malaysia’s low cost of living and high quality of life entices many foreigners to stay and retire here as a fixed income can go a long way here. Sarawak in particular offers an alluring Sarawak-Malaysia My Second Home (S-MM2H) long-term stay visa to foreigners who acquire residential property at a cost of as low as RM600,000.

Other major costs of living such as food, fuel for transportation, rental and utilities are relatively cheaper in Sarawak compared to other major cities in the world.

A brief comparison is as follows*:

Cities1 bedroom apartment in the city (monthly rent)Lunch for 2 at a mid-range restaurant
Sarawak, Malaysia304.00 USD13.80 USD
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia461.08 USD18.52 USD
New York, USA3,279.87 USD100 USD
San Francisco, USA2,443.10 USD85 USD
*Foreign data sourced from websites, this provides a general reference only.

Malaysia is one of the top 10 countries in the world with the cheapest oil price. The oil price per litre (USD0.60 ~ USD0.80) can be cheaper than a litre of mineral water! That makes owning private transportation very affordable here.

No. 2:

A place where you can rejuvenate and maintain good health

Sarawak makes up approximately 40% of the entire land area of Malaysia, of which 65% of Sarawak land is well-preserved forest land. The Government of Sarawak put in a great effort in fighting global warming by reducing CO2 production, planting more trees, maintaining the forest and preserving the shores.

In Sarawak, the air is garden-fresh, and the sky is blue and sunny most of the time. The people are friendly and accommodating. Living in Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak can be fun and exciting. Kuching has a tropical rainforest climate,  moderately hot but humid at times and receives substantial rainfall.

Imagine with your seven-day weekends, your daily life will be like: start your day early with a hike up to one of the nearby mountains or jungle tracking in one of the national parks. You may also choose to have a swim or dip in the tantalizing cool stream on your way down. After the hike and swim, have a delicious breakfast in one of the many food outlets. Do some grocery shopping in the shopping malls or neighbourhood supermarkets on your way back. If you are energetic enough, you may drive to any nearby beach for sunbathing and catch a movie in the evening. These can all be done within a day!

Kuching, Sarawak offers a city life complete with convenience and amenities and at the same time provides the excitement of being close to mother nature.

Nearby beaches
Nearby National Parks

No. 3:

A place where you can live harmoniously

Malaysia is a multi-racial country that is very accommodating to people from all over the world with different cultural and religious backgrounds.

Sarawak in particular is home to more than 30 ethnic groups including Malay, Chinese, Sarawak Natives and Indian. The people here are multi-lingual, with the most commonly spoken languages being, English, Chinese and Bahasa Melayu. The different races and ethnic groups in Sarawak made up a unique Sarawak culture which is very friendly and accommodating. People celebrate festive seasons of different religions together here.

The Sarawak culture is also well presented in the wide range of fusion foods available here. Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak has been listed as one of the creative cities of food in UNESCO’s City of Gastronomy. Besides, Kuching has been conferred the status of “The City of Unity in Diversity”.

Most importantly, Sarawak is safe and free from major natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados.

The above are some of the highlights of Sarawak. Finally, remember that not all cities are created equal but Sarawak is truly a place that lets you enjoy retirement to the fullest.

To retire in Sarawak confidently with peace of mind, please contact the authorized agent of the Sarawak Government, Apple (MM2H) Sdn Bhd.


Whatsapp: wa.link/ysz06a

Wechat ID: AppleMM2H

Email: applemm2h@gmail.com
